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About Brandy Burge


I'm Brandy Burge, Senior Supervisor of the Kids Books Canada Team in Canada since 2004.

I really never expected to be here all these years later still with Usborne, what I really signed up for was some cheap books for my son. What I ended up with was a thriving business that I just never saw coming!

It was September 2004 when I signed up. My first child, my son Austin was just over a year old. What was interesting is that as soon as I signed up, something just pulled me right in.

I started filling my calendar and booking event after event after event. Then, right away started signing up consultants to join my team, promoted to supervisor, started making more money, started winning trips, and I was hooked.

My journey with Usborne has had busier and slower times, depending on what has been going on in my personal life. I think perhaps that is why I have been with it so long, it provides the flexibility I need to manage home and kids without having to give it up altogether.

Even throughout pregnancy, birth, new baby, toddlers, moving 3 times, a devastating miscarriage and health problems, dealing with a child with anxiety and ADHD as well as a devastating accident that left my husband in hospital for over 2 months and off work for a year, Usborne was here.

I never had to give it up, and it provided income for me at times when it was desperately needed.

I'd have to say that my absolute favorite part about this business is working with my team. It always has been really. That is where I focus the majority of my time and effort and that is the part that makes me feel the most rewarded, in being able to show others how to have and manage a successful business.

I'm still building my team, and I would love to have you on it.

Please contact me for information on becoming a part of this closely knit Usborne Books Team in Canada.

My website is and you can contact me through there.

Have a beautiful day,

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