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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Usborne Books Dream Share Certificates

What is an Usborne Books Dream Share Certificate?

Its simple. For every $1200 in sales an Usborne Consultant does in a month, they get a Dream Share Certificate to offer to someone to sign up as a consultant for FREE the following month.

They also get one for EVERY $1200 in sales, so if they do $2400 in the month, they get two - and so on.

This time of year, sales are high, and many consultants are earning multiple certificates. They are only good for the following month which is why they must be snapped up swiftly because they are time sensitive.

What is the catch you say?

No catch. 

Any time a consultant signs up with Usborne Books, they agree to enter a minimum of $200 in sales in their first 3 months. This still applies to those who sign up for free under a Dream Share Certificate. The only difference is, the people who sign up using a certificate get to sign up for free!!!!!!

There is one change to this in December, to account for the Christmas shutdown, consultants who sign up in November or December get 4 months to enter that $200 in sales instead of 3 months

What do you get when you sign up?

The Dream Share certificate entitles you to a FREE Base Kit, which includes $100 worth of books, plus, a $30 supplies package.

Early next week, consultants on my team will receive their certificates for their November sales and we will have more Dream Share Certificates for FREE kits than any other month of the year.

Keep your eyes open for the announcements, and be in touch if you would like one, even if you want to get in line - I have two people in line already!

If you have any questions, feel free to let me know and I would be happy to answer them for you

Kids Books Canada - Usborne Books At Home in Canada Senior Supervisor - Brandy Burge


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